Employers Beware – The NLRB May be Coming for Your Handbook May 26, 2022 Employee handbooks are common in most businesses, and employers often prepare one (or find a template) and then forget about...
DOJ Issues Updated Guidance on ADA Website Accessibility April 4, 2022 Many business owners are familiar with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) in the context of making...
The Great Resignation – Employers Beware March 8, 2022 The job market continues to be volatile, and businesses are willing to take more risks to hire proven talent. That...
DOL Withdraws Guidance On When An Employer Must Pay Employee for Covid Testing or Vaccinations January 27, 2022 On January 20, 2022 the DOL released Fact Sheet #84 containing guidance for employers faced with the issue of whether...
Recruiting Top Talent and Retaining Key Employees December 1, 2021 As we approach the new year and reflect on the radical changes occurring over the last 18 months, recruiting top...
Illinois Legislation Narrowing Restrictive Covenants Takes Effect January 1, 2022 September 9, 2021 Levin Ginsburg previously updated our clients on the proposed changes to Illinois non-compete and non-solicitation law (See March 30, 2021...
Illinois Employers Should Think Twice Before Using Criminal Background Checks Going Forward March 30, 2021 On March 23, 2021 Governor Pritzker signed into law Senate Bill 1480 which makes several meaningful changes to the Illinois...
COVID-19, Return to Work, and Data Privacy Guidance March 30, 2021 As the COVID-19 vaccines are currently being distributed, employers must address various issues relating to the transition of employees back...
The Return to Work Dilemma – Employer-Mandated COVID Vaccinations February 17, 2021 The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine is now underway and will become more widely available to the public. Employers are...
Voluntary FFCRA Extension Through March 31, 2021 January 18, 2021 As Congress pushed through an additional COVID stimulus bill on the eve of the new year, it also temporarily extended...