Our Company is a US Company — Do We Care About GDPR? June 8, 2018 The long-anticipated effective date of The Global Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) is upon us. On May 25, 2018, GDPR, a...
Keeping your Trade Secrets Safe: The Runaway Employee June 7, 2018 How can a business protect its critical information when an employee goes to work for a competitor? Many employers simply...
How Do You Value a Business for Buy-Sell Purposes? January 30, 2018 Owners of closely held businesses should have a buy-sell agreement if there are multiple owners. The buy-sell agreement, often incorporated...
New York Toy Fair Is Approaching. Are You Legally Prepared? January 24, 2018 February 17, 2018 is fast approaching. Anyone who is anyone in the toy industry will be at Javits Convention Center showcasing...
Is Your Business BIPA Compliant? January 15, 2018 In order to increase productivity and efficiency, businesses are increasingly using biometric data to identify employees, customers and other individuals. For...