Predictive Scheduling Legislation: What You Need To Know To Avoid Costly Surprises February 13, 2019 In approximately a dozen states and a number of smaller municipalities across the U.S., including Illinois and Chicago, initiatives have...
How do you discipline an Employee who has made a Protected Complaint and Minimize Your Risk of a Retaliation Lawsuit? February 4, 2019 With the continued increase in employee based lawsuits (the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed 50% more sexual harassment lawsuits in...
Employer Loses at Appellate Court because its EEOC Position Statement and Summary Judgment were Inconsistent January 28, 2019 In November a Federal Appellate Court reversed a lower court’s decision granting summary judgment in favor of the employer in...
Biometric Information Privacy Act Update January 28, 2019 In an attempt to increase productivity and efficiency, businesses are increasingly using biometric data to identify employees, customers and other...
What is a Material Adverse Effect? January 28, 2019 Review the default provisions of virtually any acquisition agreement and you will find a reference to the following (as an...
The Bottom Line on the Impact of Minimum Wage Hikes on the Restaurant Industry October 31, 2018 Minimum wages are rising across the country, with well over a dozen states, plus many cities increasing minimum wages over...
Taxpayer Attempts To Claim A Unilateral Settlement With IRS October 29, 2018 In his letter enclosing his $1,396 check, taxpayer asserted unilaterally that “we are now concluded on this tax return issue”...
Legal Tech Corner: Developing Laws to Fit the Internet of Things October 19, 2018 In typical California fashion, the state is leading the charge toward developing law that would regulate the Internet of Things...
Predictive Scheduling Legislation: What You Need to Know to Avoid Costly Surprises October 3, 2018 In approximately a dozen states and a number of smaller municipalities across the U.S., initiatives have been introduced that would...
Recent Changes in Illinois Law Will Place Additional Burdens on Employers September 26, 2018 In 2018, Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law a number of changes that are already in effect or will go...