Licensing Your Product February 25, 2022 You have spent years — maybe even decades — developing and creating your product. Finally, your product is ready to...
What Does your Insurance Policy Actually Cover? February 21, 2022 Insurance is a key part of managing risk and protecting against unexpected financial losses. Individuals and businesses alike can benefit...
Important Change to the Illinois Equal Pay Act February 15, 2022 An amendment to the Illinois Equal Pay Act (“Illinois EPA”) that took effect January 1, 2022 clarified that the Illinois...
How Do You Know If Your Insurer Has Acted in Bad Faith? February 3, 2022 Individuals and businesses procure insurance to protect against a variety of potential losses. For example, individuals insure their homes in...
DOL Withdraws Guidance On When An Employer Must Pay Employee for Covid Testing or Vaccinations January 27, 2022 On January 20, 2022 the DOL released Fact Sheet #84 containing guidance for employers faced with the issue of whether...
Tips for Avoiding Trademark Scams and Solicitations January 19, 2022 The USPTO’s database of trademarks is often used as the source of mailing information for unsolicited communications sent to trademark...
Recruiting Top Talent and Retaining Key Employees December 1, 2021 As we approach the new year and reflect on the radical changes occurring over the last 18 months, recruiting top...
Is Your Insured Business Entitled to a Defense of a Lawsuit Filed Against It? November 17, 2021 Assume that your business is sued for multiple claims including negligence, defamation, and fraud arising out of the same event....
The Expanded Illinois Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program Will Soon Cover Small Employers November 3, 2021 The Illinois Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program (“SCRSP”) is a retirement savings instrument for private sector workers in Illinois who...
When Is Breach of a Future Promise Fraudulent Inducement? October 28, 2021 Imagine you are negotiating a contract with ABC Company and that ABC Company makes promises about what it will do...